Sonntag, 20. September 2015

Show, don't tell

When it comes to writing fiction, a writer (in the making) keeps stumbling upon this very important advice: Show, don't tell!

I'd like to take this advice quite literally and show you something to help you characterize yours truly, since I haven't taken the time to write an awful lot about me, yet.

This is my 14th anniversary present from my partner:

We binge watched three seasons of Vikings in only two weeks (this probably coaxes only a weary smile out of many of you, but with two little kids at home it is amazing how little spare time you have actually left for fun stuff) and really enjoyed it. Thus the mugs.

I guess it tells a lot about me that I was thrilled when I unwrapped them - no kidding!

So here's your writing prompt of the night:
What kind of character would I be in a / your novel?

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