Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018

Moment of inspiration

One truly great fangirl moment: My alltime favorite writer and biggest inspiration when it comes to writing - Stephen King, about to sign my copy of Under the Dome.
If I was ever kissed by the muse, it was there and then.
Oh, what a night!
Munich, November 2013

Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018

Even younger writer

The date on the back of this photo (yes, there was a time, when the printing dates where stamped on the back of photos - you know, before there was digital photography ;0) ) says 1996.

Yes, children, that was around the time the dinosaurs roamed the surface of the earth. 

And yes, there are 3,5 inch floppy disks on and a matrix printer (using perforated continuous paper only) under my desk...